April 2021 Spotlight on Strongher Together Board Member Kyle Brazile
Today’s StrongHer TogetHer member spotlight is on Kyle Brazile. He has been an invaluable resource to our organization. Kyle received his undergraduate degree from Fisk University in Nashville, a Master’s Degree from The University of Chicago, and his J.D. from
NC Central. In addition to providing legal guidance and organizational structure as secretary of the board, he is the father to one of our members. We believe it speaks volumes when men step up to support our programs and stand behind the young women we mentor and validate their worth and the importance of their voices in the world.
Founder Stacey Donoghue expresses her gratitude at having such an accomplished board member and says of Kyle, “One of the many things we love about Kyle is his ability to read the culture of our program and synthesize who we are with the scaffolding required for any non-profit program. Whether it’s bylaw development or nomination processes, Kyle’s leadership has allowed StrongHER TogetHER to grow in a way that feels right to us. We are so fortunate to benefit from Kyle’s expertise and his overall approach, but mostly we love having him as part of the family. Besides being attorney extraordinaire, Kyle is a girl-Dad, he’s an avid reader and he genuinely wants to make the world a better place. From where we sit, he is doing just that.”
Kyle was raised by his mother and aunt in Chicago, and as the father of two amazing daughters, he says “It didn’t take but a few minutes for me to understand the importance of a program that seeks to bring girls together despite perceived differences”.
Kyle has just started a new job as the Director of Civic Engagement focused on community engagement and re-districting with NC Counts Coalition. His activism and commitment to our region have made him a wonderful role model for our youth. StrongHer TogetHer continues to be amazed and honored to attract such a high caliber of volunteers to our mission.