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Durham Book Club – Student Leadership Team Meeting
Bean TradersFounders – SCAREoWinds!
CarowindsFounders are excited to make their senior year their best ever! Scareowinds was a big ask from the group, but we're excited to make it happen for them! Screenshot
5th Grade – Pumpkin Patch
Holder Hill FarmRSVP Link
STARS Group Activity
TBDScreenshot STARS Group Activity Every 3rd Sat at 2:30pm
ALL ST / YARD Session – Social Democracy Info and Removing Barriers to Voting!
Central Park School for Children 724 Foster St, Durham, United StatesRSVP HERE Screenshot
ALL ST / Carolina Courage Women’s Soccer Game vs Washington Spirit
Carolina Courage 101 Soccer Park Drive, Cary, NC, United StatesRSVP HERE RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaVSfEUYCkf56__dR2lJPQ-g65ww-uxVmspuegY4ubhr9X3w/viewform?usp=sf_link
ALL ST / LIV Activity – Stress First Aid
Central Park School for Children 724 Foster St, Durham, United StatesRSVP Link
Tsunamis – Duke Gardens (Picnic, Games and Boba!)
Duke GardensRSVP HERE and PRE-ORDER TEA! Doris Duke Center / Duke Gardens - 420 Anderson St Durham NC 27708
STARS Meeting
Scrap Exchange2-4pm Scrap Exchange - 2050 Chapel Hill Rd Durham NC Dinner After - Place TBD Screenshot